

Emerson wanted to introduce you all to the newest addition to our family (don't worry - still in-utero, it hasn't been that long since I blogged)!

Here is her baby brother!

We are so excited, and let's be honest, I'm a little nervous, about this baby boy!  I know what I need to know about raising little girls and feel a bit intimidated about raising a boy...but then again, I guess I didn't know anything about raising a little girl before I had one!  This guy is already turning out to be a true Bruce baby, when we went for our ultrasound, his weight was 'supposed' to be 3.5 ounces, and he is already measuring in at 9 ounces.  And no, that is not a typo.  And no, they did not change my due date.  Just a BIG baby.  What a nice way to ease me into motherhood little 6 lb 5 ounce Emerson was...now here's the real deal!

That little girl has got some big personality and the biggest heart.  Below this picture of my hipster daughter wearing her daddy's sunglasses and Saturday post-nap play clothes (we think a baby brother will fit in just fine at our house!) are some quotes I sent to family this week in an email from some adorable things she said this past weekend that have melted our hearts.  Enjoy!

Sunday morning while eating breakfast Emerson told me out of the blue, "I want to play with my cousins today."  That morning,  Chris and Jen were running late for church and decided at the last minute to come to Elevation instead - we got to have lunch with everyone and had such a fun time!  At lunch, in the bathroom, little Em was sitting on the potty and said, "Mom, I told God thank you for letting me play with my cousins."

While we were setting up breakfast for the band, she asked me, "Mom, what does God say to me?"  I asked her what she meant, and she said, "What does God say to me when I am in heaven?"  I told her He said He loves her and is so glad that she loves Him too!

Later, walking through the basement of the church, you could hear Pastor Steven through the intercom preaching, she stopped and said excitedly: "Who is that?  Is that God talking to me?!"  

Sometimes at night, she asks me to 'sing shh' to her like when she was a baby - she asked for this last night and while I was doing it, she said "God tells me 'shhh' sometimes too."  I said, "He does?  When does He say that?"  She told me, "He tells me 'shh' when my heart is feeling worried."

This morning eating breakfast together, she said, "Mom, tell me I am amazing."  I had no problem telling her how amazing she is :)


Becky said...

I love Emerson's sweet little heart!! I am even more in love with that boy in your belly! That ultrasound pic is really clear too- wow!

Anonymous said...

I've heard Abe Lincoln was a big baby too. He had a big heart as well!